Guide d'implantation des plateformes de transformateurs dans les centrales solaires flottantes

Solaire flottant

Table des matières


Container-type transformer platforms are essential components of floating solar power plants. These platforms house critical equipment, such as transformers and inverters, and their strategic placement directly influences the efficiency and maintenance of the entire system. This section details the key considerations for optimally positioning container-type transformer platforms within floating solar power plants.

Floating Solar Layout Considerations

Centralized Placement

 The most efficient placement of container-type transformer platforms is at the center of each photovoltaic sub-array, or at the midpoint of one side of the sub-array. This minimizes cable lengths, reducing material costs and potential electrical losses.

Waterway Proximity

 The transformer platform should be located near a designated waterway to ensure convenient access for vessels during maintenance operations. This proximity also ensures sufficient water depth around the platform, allowing for safe vessel maneuvering. However, it’s crucial to reserve a dedicated space around the platform without encroaching on the waterway’s width.

Shared Waterways

 To enhance water surface utilization and reduce overall construction costs, the transformer platform can be strategically positioned between two photovoltaic sub-arrays, sharing a single waterway. This shared access minimizes the need for multiple waterways, optimizing space utilization. Figure 5 illustrates a schematic representation of this configuration.

Power Collection System Integration

 The transformer platform’s position should be carefully considered within the context of the overall power collection system of the floating solar power plant. Placing the platform on the side of the plant towards the power outlet direction minimizes the length of the outgoing power lines, further optimizing efficiency.

Platform Type

Fixed Floating Solar Power Plants: Typically utilize pile-supported container-type transformer platforms, which are securely anchored to the waterbed.

Floating Floating Solar Power Plants: For installations with larger water surface areas or situated in areas prone to subsidence, floating platforms are recommended. Two main types of floating platforms are commonly employed:

Steel Floating Box Platforms: These platforms consist of a sturdy steel structure.

Precast Concrete Floating Platforms: These platforms are constructed using precast concrete elements.


The strategic layout of container-type transformer platforms is crucial for maximizing the efficiency and maintainability of floating solar power plants. By adhering to the considerations outlined above, developers can ensure the optimal placement of these platforms, reducing cable lengths, enhancing accessibility, and contributing to a well-integrated power collection system.