The Advantages and Applications of Floating Solar Power

Schwimmende Solaranlage



Floating solar systems, also known as water floating photovoltaic power stations, represent a novel approach to harnessing solar energy. These systems utilize the surface of bodies of water, such as ponds, lakes, reservoirs, and even former mining areas, to support photovoltaic (PV) modules for power generation.

Components of Floating Solar Systems

The key components of a floating solar system include:

  • Photovoltaic Panels: These panels convert sunlight into electricity.
  • Junction Boxes: These boxes connect and protect the electrical wiring from the PV panels.
  • Inverter Equipment: Inverters convert the direct current (DC) electricity generated by the panels into alternating current (AC) electricity, which is used by homes and businesses.
  • Transformers: Transformers step up the voltage of the AC electricity for efficient transmission.
  • Collector Lines: These lines carry the electricity from the inverters to the grid.
  • Polyethylene Floating Body Racks: These buoyant structures support the PV panels and other equipment on the water surface.

Types of Floating Solar Systems

Floating solar systems can be categorized into two main types based on their installation method:

Piling Type

  • Suitable for water depths up to 3 meters.
  • Utilizes pile-column foundations similar to traditional land-based solar systems.
  • PV modules are mounted on brackets attached to the piles.
  • Vorteile:
    • Does not occupy land area.
    • Increases power generation due to water cooling effect.
    • Facilitates component cleaning.
  • Benachteiligungen:
    • Higher construction cost and complexity due to underwater piling.

Floating Type

  • Suitable for water depths exceeding 3 meters.
  • Employs buoyant floats to support the PV modules and equipment.
  • Floats are anchored to the shore and the bottom of the water body.
  • Vorteile:
    • No permanent water facilities required.
    • Minimal impact on the water body.
    • Lower water depth and underwater geological condition requirements.
    • Easier operation and maintenance.

Basic Principle of Floating Solar Systems

Floating solar systems operate on the principle of installing waterproof PV modules on buoyant floats. These floats are interconnected to form a stable platform. Waterproof junction boxes connect the PV modules, and inverters convert the DC electricity to AC electricity. The entire floating system is secured to the water surface using anchor cables.

Advantages of Floating Solar Systems

Floating solar systems offer several advantages over traditional land-based solar installations:

  • Lower Construction Costs: Eliminates the need for land preparation and foundation work, significantly reducing construction expenses.
  • Simplified Installation: Modular design allows for quick and easy deployment, especially in areas with minimal anchoring requirements.
  • Increased Power Generation: Water cooling effect lowers the operating temperature of PV modules, leading to higher energy output (5-8% improvement).
  • Reduced Evaporation and Algae Growth: Covering the water surface with PV panels can minimize evaporation and inhibit algae growth, contributing to water resource conservation.
  • Easy Operation and Maintenance: Water surface location reduces dust accumulation and facilitates cleaning. Modular design simplifies maintenance procedures.
  • Avoidance of Shading: Open water surfaces minimize shading from trees or buildings, ensuring uniform sunlight exposure and longer illumination times.
  • Water Resource Conservation: Reduced evaporation helps conserve water resources.
  • Convenient Power Consumption: Proximity to populated areas allows for easier grid connection and reduces transmission losses.

Considerations for Floating Solar Systems

  • Floating Equipment Requirements: Floating frames must be corrosion-resistant, high-density, frost-resistant, wind and wave-resistant, and have sufficient lifespan and load-bearing capacity.
  • Site Selection: Ideal locations have large surface areas, low wind speeds, good sunlight exposure, minimal water level fluctuations, and limited shipping traffic.
  • Environmental Monitoring: Regular monitoring is crucial to assess any potential impact of the PV system on water quality, fish, and plant life.


Floating solar systems offer a sustainable and innovative solution for harnessing solar energy while minimizing land use and environmental impact. By leveraging the advantages of water surfaces, these systems contribute to a greener and more sustainable energy future.