Wie schwimmende Solaranlagen funktionieren? Wie man die besten Standorte für schwimmende Solaranlagen auswählt?

Schwimmende Solaranlage


Imagine a solar power plant that floats gracefully on the surface of a lake or reservoir, harnessing the sun’s energy while leaving precious land untouched. This is the exciting reality of floating solar farms, a growing trend in the renewable energy sector.

How Floating Solar Works:

Floating solar farms are designed to utilize water surfaces for installation, offering a unique and innovative solution for maximizing solar energy generation. Here’s how it works:

  • The Float: Solar panels are mounted on a robust floating platform, typically made of high-density polyethylene. This platform is engineered to be highly resistant to corrosion, thanks to coatings like magnesium alloys.
  • Anchoring Stability: A secure mooring system, utilizing sturdy anchors, keeps the floating platform firmly in place, ensuring its stability even in turbulent waters.
  • Power Collection & Conversion: The panels capture sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity. This power is then gathered by combiner boxes, which channel it to the central inverter. The inverter transforms the DC electricity into alternating current (AC) electricity, the form used in homes and businesses.
  • Power Transmission: A network of cables connects the panels, combiner boxes, inverter, and a transformer. The transformer adjusts the voltage for efficient transmission to the grid, delivering power to homes and industries.
  • Access & Maintenance: Floating walkways provide safe access to the farm for maintenance and inspections, allowing for efficient upkeep and ensuring a long lifespan for the system.

The Benefits of Floating Solar:

  1. Land Conservation: Floating solar farms free up valuable land for other crucial uses, like agriculture, housing, or conservation efforts.
  2. Water Conservation: By covering a portion of the water surface, floating solar farms reduce evaporation, a crucial benefit in arid regions where water scarcity is a concern.
  3. Boosting Efficiency: The cooling effect of water helps to maintain a lower operating temperature for the solar panels, which in turn increases their efficiency and lifespan.
  4. Fighting Algae Growth: By blocking sunlight, floating solar farms can help control the growth of harmful algae, improving water quality and benefiting aquatic life.
  5. Enhanced Energy Production: The reflective nature of water can actually enhance the amount of sunlight captured by the panels, potentially leading to higher energy output.
  6. Hybrid Power Solutions: Floating solar farms can be integrated with existing hydroelectric power plants, creating a hybrid energy system that generates power more consistently and reliably.
  7. Cost-Effective Installation: In some cases, the costs associated with installing floating solar systems can be lower than land-based systems, as they eliminate the need for extensive land preparation and foundation construction.
  8. Aesthetically Pleasing: Floating solar installations can be designed to blend seamlessly with their surroundings, minimizing visual impact and enhancing the beauty of the landscape.
  9. Reduced Transmission Costs: Floating solar farms located near urban centers can help reduce electricity transmission and distribution losses, making power delivery more efficient and affordable.

Floating solar farms are a testament to the innovative spirit of the renewable energy sector. They offer a sustainable and efficient way to generate clean energy while addressing crucial environmental concerns related to land and water conservation. As the world continues to search for sustainable solutions, floating solar is poised to become an increasingly important part of the energy landscape.

How to Choose the Locations for Floating Solar System?

Floating solar power plants are taking off, offering benefits like land conservation, increased energy output, and even water resource protection. But finding the right location for these unique projects is crucial to their success. Here’s a breakdown of the key factors to consider:

  1. Government Alignment: Your project needs to be in line with local regulations and plans. This includes ensuring it meets the guidelines of environmental protection agencies and other relevant authorities.
  2. Sunshine, Sunshine, Sunshine: The most important factor is consistent sunlight. You need a large lake or reservoir that receives ample solar radiation. In the South, you’ll likely look for a minimum of 1300 Kwh/(m2.a) of solar radiation, while in the North, that figure might be closer to 1400 Kwh/(m2.a). This depends on the local electricity prices and construction costs, so it’s best to do a comprehensive analysis.
  3. The Right Neighborhood: A good spot won’t be overshadowed by mountains, trees, or buildings. Strong winds can also be a problem for floating systems, so you’ll need to consider wind speeds and potential snow loads. Don’t forget about water level fluctuations too!
  4. Close to Home: Ideally, your floating solar project should be near a high demand area for electricity. This minimizes transmission losses and helps maximize the project’s efficiency.
  5. Building Blocks: Consider how components will be transported to the site, as they’ll need to be installed and then lowered into the water. Make sure the construction process is safe and practical for the chosen location.

Choosing the right location for a floating solar project has a huge impact on its success. By carefully considering these factors, you can maximize energy production, minimize costs, and create a truly sustainable and valuable project.