How Does A Floating Photovoltaic Plant Work?

loating photovoltaic (FPV) plants


Floating photovoltaic (FPV) plants harness the power of the sun by placing solar panels on water bodies, like lakes or reservoirs. While sharing similarities with land-based PV systems, FPVs have distinct features, particularly in anchoring, flotation, and energy evacuation.

Panel Choice:

  • FPVs primarily use bifacial solar panels, featuring glass on both sides to improve protection against moisture and corrosion, and potentially increase energy yield.

Flotation Systems:

  • Barge-type structures are gaining popularity, providing buoyancy for inverters, transformers, and even cables, leading to innovative solutions for floating applications.
  • Different flotation systems exist:
    • Pure: Panels sit atop a floating structure, requiring careful tilt angle calculation to balance production and anchoring costs.
    • Metallic: Steel structures support panels on a floating system, offering better cooling but potentially higher cost.
    • Membrane: Panels rest directly on a water-contacting membrane, reducing load but potentially impacting production based on location.
    • Alternative materials: Systems using iron and concrete are emerging but less widely implemented.

Anchoring Systems:

  • Securely anchoring the FPV platform is crucial, requiring a bathymetry survey to assess the seabed’s topography.
  • Flexibility is essential, allowing for movement and adapting to varying water levels.
  • Common anchoring types include:
    • Bottom Anchoring: Anchors secured to the seabed.
    • Shore Anchoring: Anchors fixed to the shoreline.
    • Piles: Driven into the seabed for greater stability.4

Energy Evacuation:

  • FPVs utilize innovative cabling solutions to transport energy from the plant to the grid, overcoming the challenges posed by the floating environment.

Benefits of Floating Solar:

  • Land Conservation: FPVs leverage existing water bodies, minimizing land use for energy generation.
  • Water Cooling: Water provides natural cooling, potentially boosting panel efficiency.
  • Reduced Evaporation: Panels can act as a barrier, reducing water evaporation from reservoirs.

Challenges of FPVs:

  • Cost: Higher initial investment compared to land-based systems.
  • Environmental Impacts: Potential for disruption to aquatic ecosystems and water quality.
  • Maintenance: Accessing and maintaining the system on water can be challenging.


FPV technology is rapidly evolving, presenting an innovative solution for sustainable energy generation. By addressing the unique challenges and leveraging its advantages, floating solar power holds the potential to significantly contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.

At Firstsolar, we have been innovating for decades, especially in terms of renewable energies, which is why we are also developing the implementation of various floating photovoltaic solar energy installations.